Senin, 23 Maret 2009

Cara Hacker mencuri data Kartu Kredit

Artikel ini tidak ditujukan untuk mengajari anda gimana mencuri data kartu kredit, tapi kami ingin memberitahu anda supaya di kemudian hari anda bisa terhindari dari kejahatan pencurian data kartu kredit. Istilah kejahatan kartu kredit yang biasa di istilahkan “carding” sejak adanya internet meningkat ratusan persen. Ironisnya Indonesia masuk dalam jajaran top 10 (sempat di peringkat pertama) sehingga kartu kredit terbitan Bank-Bank Indonesia ditolak ketika belanja online di situs luar negeri.
Hal ini juga pernah di alami oleh penulis yang ingin berlangganan majalah game luar negeri dengan pembayaran online lewat kartu kredit.

Para hacker sangat suka sekali kejahatan yang satu ini, kenapa? Karena kalau cuma nge-hack website atau deface (merubah tampilan/link website) merupakan sesuatu yang tidak ada untungnya. Dan hal ini bisa ke deteksi dan pelaku kejahatan bisa ketangkap dengan mudah kalau sites yang dia masuki memiliki TRACKER (program pelacak ip/link) atau LOG FILE (file yang mencatat aktivitas user/ip yang masuk ke website). Kalau carding mereka bisa bebas tanpa jejak dan juga kadang-kadang setelah mendapatkan datanya, mereka sebarkan antar hacker sehingga susah dilacak orang pertama yang mencuri data kartu kredit. Kejadian baru-baru ini yaitu situs internet teroris Indonesia juga di register dari hasil carding.

Ada beberapa cara yang digunakan oleh hacker dalam mencuri kartu kredit, antara lain:
1. Paket sniffer, cara ini adalah cara yang paling cepat untuk mendapatkan data apa saja. Konsep kerjanya mereka cukup memakai program yang dapat melihat atau membuat logging file dari data yang dikirim oleh website e-commerce (penjualan online) yang mereka incar. Pada umumnya mereka mengincar website yang tidak dilengkapi security encryption atau situs yang tidak memiliki security yang bagus.

2. Membuat program spyware, trojan, worm dan sejenisnya yang berfungsi seperti keylogger (keyboard logger, program mencatat aktifitas keyboard) dan program ini disebar lewat E-mail Spamming (taruh file-nya di attachment), mirc (chatting), messenger (yahoo, MSN), atau situs-situs tertentu dengan icon atau iming-iming yang menarik netter untuk mendownload dan membuka file tersebut. Program ini akan mencatat semua aktivitas komputer anda ke dalam sebuah file, dan akan mengirimnya ke email hacker. Kadang-kadang program ini dapat dijalankan langsung kalau anda masuk ke situs yang di buat hacker atau situs porno.

3. Membuat situs phising, yaitu situs sejenis atau kelihatan sama seperti situs aslinya. contoh di Indonesia ketika itu situs klik bca (, pernah mengalami hal yang sama. situs tersebut tampilannya sama seperti klikbca tetapi alamatnya dibikin beberapa yang berbeda seperti,, dll, jadi kalau netter yang salah ketik, akan nyasar ke situs tersebut. Untungnya orang yang membuat situs tersebut katanya tidak bermaksud jahat. Nah kalau hacker carding yang buat tuh situs, siap-siap deh kartu kredit anda bakal jebol.

4. Menjebol situs e-commerce itu langsung dan mencuri semua data para pelanggannya. Cara ini agak sulit dan perlu pakar hacker atau hacker yang sudah pengalaman untuk melakukannya. Pada umumnya mereka memakai metode injection (memasukan script yang dapat dijalankan oleh situs/server) bagi situs yang memiliki firewall. Ada beberapa cara injection antara lain yang umum digunakan html injection dan SQL injection. Bagi situs yang tidak memiliki security atau firewall, siap-siaplah dikerjain abis-abisan.

Ada beberapa cara lagi yang dilakukan para hacker, tapi cara-cara di atas adalah cara yang paling umum dilakukan hacker untuk carding. Cara yang tidak umum akan dijelaskan nanti di lain waktu. Kejahatan tidak hanya terjadi karena ada niat dari si pelaku, tetapi karena adanya kesempatan, waspadalah… waspadalah…

penulis: (
nb: di lain kesempatan penulis akan menulis cara mencegah hal tersebut di atas.
Last edited by erwin13 on Fri Dec 02, 2005 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 33
Joined: Fri Dec 02, 2005 11:45 am

by erwin13 on Fri Dec 02, 2005 1:32 pm, situs pusat penjualan identitas curian (sumber: detikinet)

Dua belas orang dinyatakan bersalah karena mendalangi situs pencuri identitas terbesar. Sepak terjang situs ini menimbulkan kerugian sedikitnya US$ 4 juta, atau sekitar Rp 40 miliar.

Pihak penyidik dari Associated Press mengatakan, situs adalah situs pusat penjualan identitas curian terbesar. Situs ini juga menyediakan data kartu kredit, yang tentu saja diperoleh dengan cara dicuri.
Jaksa Federal mengatakan, situs ini memiliki 4.000 anggota. Ada sekitar 1,5 juta nomor kartu kredit curian yang diperdagangkan. Kerugian yang ditimbulkan diperkirakan US$4 juta lebih.

“Kerugian itu berdampak pada bank-bank yang mengeluarkan kartu kredit dan MasterCard, Visa, American Express, yang harus menutupi hutang yang terpaksa ditanggung oleh mereka yang jadi korban dalam kejahatan ini,” kata Kevin O’Dowd, Asistan Pengacara Amerika Serikat.
Untuk mendapatkan informasi kartu kredit, situs ini memakai teknik seperti phishing dan spamming. Bisa ditebak seperti apa motif penipuan yang dilancarkan. Yakni dengan berkedok sebagai e-mail yang sekilas berasal dari bank atau lembaga keuangan resmi. Nomor kartu kredit yang didapat lalu dipakai untuk belanja di internet. Tidak disebutkan berapa apa hukuman bagi para pelaku.


Apakah Kamu Hacker ?

Apakah Kamu Hacker ?

Buatlah sebuah pertanyaan kecil untukku hari ini. Katakan jika kamu

cocok dengan deskripsi di bawah ini. kamu mendapatkan net account beberapa

bulan yang lalu. kamu sudah surfing di internet, dan kamu bercanda di banyak

media yang melaporkan informasi superhighway. kamu telah mempunyai red

box, kamu tidak perlu membayar untuk menelepon. Kamu mempunyai

crackerjack, dan kamu telah menjalankannya di file password pada sebuah unix

dan kamu mendapatkan sebuah account. Semua orang di sekolahmu salut

dengan pengetahuanmu tentang komputer, kamu adalah satu-satunya orang

yang diminta gurumu untuk membantunya. Apakah kamu seperti itu? kamu

bukanlah seorang hacker.

Ada ratusan orang sepertimu di luar sana. Kamu membeli 2600 dan kamu

bertanya. kamu membaca phreack dan kamu bertanya. kamu bergabung dengan

#hack dan kamu bertanya. kamu menanyakan semua pertanyaan, dan bertanya

apa yang salah dengan itu? Intinya, untuk menjadi hacker adalah bertanya

tentang sesuatu, benar begitu? Semua yang kamu ingin tahu adalah jawaban dari

pertanyaanmu. Kamu bukanlah hacker.

Hacking bukanlah tentang jawaban. Hacking adalah tentang jalan yang

kamu ambil untuk mencari jawaban. jika kamu membutuhkan bantuan, jangan

bertanya untuk mendapatkan jawaban, bertanyalah tentang jalan yang harus

kamu ambil untuk mencari jawaban untuk dirimu sendiri. Karena bukanlah

seseorang yang memiliki jawaban yang disebut hacker, tetapi orang yang

melakukan perjalan sepanjang jalan.


Cara Menemukan Password Administrator Windows XP

Memang hidup dijaman sekarang yang sulit semakin sulit bila setiap keinginan kita untuk “berkembang” dikekang. Bagi karyawan perkantoran yang menggunakan komputer dengan OS Windows XP akan makin terkekang kebebasannya karena komputer hanya bisa digunakan hanya untuk kerja dan kerja.

Memang ini merupakan IT policy setiap kantor yang tidak memperbolehkan untuk menginstall bermacam2 program tapi hal inilah yang membuat para karyawan sulit untuk berkembang. Memang harus diakui ada sisi baik dan ada juga sisi buruk dari penerapan IT Policy.

Tapi kali ini kita sedikit mengabaikan sisi baik dari IT policy tersebut dan lebih mensupport para karyawan untuk bisa berkembang.Artikel ini sedikit memberi gambaran bahwa setiap ada kesulitan pasti ada jalan keluar.

Di dunia maya ini banyak sekali artikel yang membahas tentang cara membongkar password administrator Windows XP bahkan sudah banyak program yang dibuat untuk mereset ataupun mengganti password tersebut. Tentunya jika kita ingin bermain manis, kita tidak perlu melakukan cara-cara kasar tersebut karena resiko yang kita ambil akan lebih besar. Cara yang digunakan untuk menemukan password administartor sangat simple dan tidak perlu banyak pengetahuan yang dibutuhkan hanya tinggal mengikuti langkah dibawah ini :

Keperluan yang dibutuhkan untuk mengetahui password administrator antara lain 1 buah disket, akses internet dan email:
langkah pertama adalah mendownload file image.exe dari
Buat bootable disk dengan menjalankan file tersebut
Matikan computer lalu boot dengan menggunakan disk tersebut. (disk tersebut akan menghasilkan satu buah file upload.txt)
Setelah itu masuk ke windows xp secara normal (sebelumnya keluarkan disket) lalu buka
Masukkan disket lalu pilih upload.txt, masukkan alamat email dan access code lalu klik submit.
Kita akan mendapatkan konfirmasi lewat email untuk mengetahui password kita telah selesai. Sebenarnya website ini sangat cepat sekali untuk menemukan password tetapi karena kita menggunakannya secara gratisan maka harus menunggu 48 jam (2 hari) untuk bisa melihat password administrator, kecuali kalau mau bayar, dimenit itu juga password bisa ketahuan.
Bila telah 48 jam (lama bener yah ..) buka , masukkan alamat email saat kita mengupload, klik view lalu masukkan access code and .. password administrator ditemukan

Memang segala sesuatu tidak ada yang sempurna tetapis situs ini mengklaim keberhasilan menemukan password diatas 98.5% hebat bukan …
Selamat mencoba dan ingat segala sesuatu yang kita perbuat, akibatnya kita sendiri yang mananggungnya jadi waspadalah…..
Oleh NeEkatT


cara menghack Billing warnet

ahan2 harus disiapkan:

1. Program ZHider. download AJA di PAMAN GOOGLE
2. Muka bego
3. Mental yang kuat


01. Masuk warnet dan pasang muka bego biar ga dicurigai operator
02. Pastikan selain box/bilik yang kita tempati masih ada box lain yang kosong. Biar ga dicurigai juga sih.
03. Usahakan cari tempat yang jauh dari op, supaya ga ketahuan box kamu kosong apa nggak.
04. Nyalakan kompi dihadapan anda bila masih dalam keadaan mati.
05. Saat masuk login screen, login aja seperti biasa.
06. Jalankan ZHider yang sudah disiapkan di disket/flashdisk. Kalo belom ada, cari aja pake google.
07. Setelah ZHider dijalankan langsung aja logout.
08. Naah, di login screen ini kita mulai aksi mendebarkan kita. Tekan Ctrl+Alt+Z.. Jreeeng, login screen telah menghilang !!!
09. Browsinglah sepuasnya, tapi tetap pastikan ada box lain yang kosong. Kan aneh kalau ada yang masuk warnet, dia lihat udah penuh. Padahal di billing server kelihatan masih ada yang belum login.
10. Kalo sudah puass tekan Ctrl+Alt+X untuk memunculkan kembali login screen yang menghilang entah kemana
11. Login seperti biasa dan browsing beberapa menit sampai penunjuk tarif sampai ke angka yang kita kehendaki. Ini supaya ga dicurigai.
12. Logout. SIapkan muka bego, lalu bayar tarif.

Cara ini lebih mudah dilalukan bila si operator ga terlalu kenal sama kamu. Apalagi bila si op sering keluyuran.

Ini beberapa hotkey ZHider yang bisa digunakan, untuk hotkey lainnya silakan baca file readme yang disertakan bersama zhider

CTRL+ALT+Z Menyembunyikan jendela aktif

CTRL+ALT+X Menampilkan kembali semua jendela yang disembunyikan

CTRL+ALT+L Menampilkan dialog zhider

CTRL+ALT+M Menampilkan kembali semua jendela yang disembunyikan, dan juga menutup zhider.

Cara 2:

Nyalain kompi .Setelah loading windows tekan tahan Ctrl+Alt+Del sebelum keluar jendela billing(harus cepet coz jendela billing muncul hanya 2 detik setelah loading windows). Setelah kluar task manager klik [ End Task ] pada aplikasi [ client 008 ].

Cara 3:

Menggunakan software Billing Hack(bisa download di Software ini bahkan bisa mereset time billing.
Bisa juga sebelum nyalain kompi cabut kabel LAN di belakang CPU. Biar gak terlalu mencurigakan, cabut kabelnya sambil pura-pura pasang USB ato Flash Disk (sambil nyelam mancing ikan gitu deh pepatahnya).Trus nyalain kompi tunggu sampai jendela billing keluar. Klik Admin masukkan password default008. Trus di Exit Client&Password masukkan juga password 008. Abis tu, setelah muncul kotak yang terakhir cari tanda ****** yang letaknya paling bawah kiri, delet tanda tsb dan terakhir klik Exit Client yang terletak di sebelah kanan tanda yang telah kita hapus tadi. Jadi deh….

Kalo semua cara di atas ga bisa dilakuin, hentikanlah usahamu. Sesungguhnya perbuatan jahatmu tidak diridhoi Tuhan Kalo ketahuan langsung pertebal [muka bego-mu]. Misalnya bilang… Eh, kok jadi gini ya? Kemaren ga gini kok. Ato kata-kata lain, tergantung kreatifitas kamu.


Senin, 16 Maret 2009

Craagle download

Craagle is a great program to find crack, serial number, keygen of any locked application by registration code. yeah The craagle will handle it for you just for free. Craagle will look for all serial number, keygen or cracks through famous websites arround the world. and now you can download it here for freeeeeeeeeee........


Embedded programs

Some computer programs are embedded into hardware. A stored-program computer requires an initial computer program stored in its read-only memory to boot. The boot process is to identify and initialize all aspects of the system, from CPU registers to device controllers to memory contents.[7] Following the initialization process, this initial computer program loads the operating system and sets the program counter to begin normal operations. Independent of the host computer, a hardware device might have embedded firmware to control its operation. Firmware is used when the computer program is rarely or never expected to change, or when the program must not be lost when the power is of


about Computer..?

.Computer programs (also software programs, or just programs) are instructions for a computer.[1] A computer requires programs to function. Moreover, a computer program does not run unless its instructions are executed by a central processor;[2] however, a program may communicate an algorithm to people without running. Computer programs are usually executable programs or the source code from which executable programs are derived (e.g., compiled).

Computer source code is often written by professional computer programmers. Source code is written in a programming language that usually follows one of two main paradigms: imperative or declarative programming. Source code may be converted into an executable file (sometimes called an executable program or a binary) by a compiler. Alternatively, computer programs may be executed by a central processing unit with the aid of an interpreter, or may be embedded directly into hardware.

Computer programs may be categorized along functional lines: system software and application software. And many computer programs may run simultaneously on a single computer, a process known as multitasking.

Source code of a program written in the C programming language

Computer programming is the iterative process of writing or editing source code. Editing source code involves testing, analyzing, and refining, and sometimes coordinating with other programmers on a jointly developed program. A person who practices this skill is referred to as a computer programmer or software developer. The sometimes lengthy process of computer programming is usually referred to as software development. The term software engineering is becoming popular as the process is seen as an engineering discipline.

[edit] Paradigms

Computer programs can be categorized by the programming language paradigm used to produce them. Two of the main paradigms are imperative and declarative.

Programs written using an imperative language specify an algorithm using declarations, expressions, and statements.[3] A declaration couples a variable name to a datatype. For example: var x: integer; . An expression yields a value. For example: 2 + 2 yields 4. Finally, a statement might assign an expression to a variable or use the value of a variable to alter the program's control flow. For example: x := 2 + 2; if x = 4 then do_something(); One criticism of imperative languages is the side-effect of an assignment statement on a class of variables called non-local variables.[4]

Programs written using a declarative language specify the properties that have to be met by the output and do not specify any implementation details. Two broad categories of declarative languages are functional languages and logical languages. The principle behind functional languages (like Haskell) is to not allow side-effects, which makes it easier to reason about programs like mathematical functions.[4] The principle behind logical languages (like Prolog) is to define the problem to be solved — the goal — and leave the detailed solution to the Prolog system itself.[5] The goal is defined by providing a list of subgoals. Then each subgoal is defined by further providing a list of its subgoals, etc. If a path of subgoals fails to find a solution, then that subgoal is backtracked and another path is systematically attempted.

The form in which a program is created may be textual or visual. In a visual language program, elements are graphically manipulated rather than textually specified.

[edit] Compilation or interpretation

A computer program in the form of a human-readable, computer programming language is called source code. Source code may be converted into an executable image by a compiler or executed immediately with the aid of an interpreter.

Compiled computer programs are commonly referred to as executables, binary images, or simply as binaries — a reference to the binary file format used to store the executable code. Compilers are used to translate source code from a programming language into either object code or machine code. Object code needs further processing to become machine code, and machine code is the Central Processing Unit's native code, ready for execution.

Interpreted computer programs are either decoded and then immediately executed or are decoded into some efficient intermediate representation for future execution. BASIC, Perl, and Python are examples of immediately executed computer programs. Alternatively, Java computer programs are compiled ahead of time and stored as a machine independent code called bytecode. Bytecode is then executed upon request by an interpreter called a virtual machine.

The main disadvantage of interpreters is computer programs run slower than if compiled. Interpreting code is slower than running the compiled version because the interpreter must decode each statement each time it is loaded and then perform the desired action. On the other hand, software development may be quicker using an interpreter because testing is immediate when the compilation step is omitted. Another disadvantage of interpreters is the interpreter must be present on the computer at the time the computer program is executed. By contrast, compiled computer programs need not have the compiler present at the time of execution.

No properties of a programming language require it to be exclusively compiled or exclusively interpreted. The categorization usually reflects the most popular method of language execution. For example, BASIC is thought of as an interpreted language and C a compiled language, despite the existence of BASIC compilers and C interpreters. Some systems use Just-in-time compilation (JIT) whereby sections of the source are compiled 'on the fly' and stored for subsequent executions.

[edit] Self-modifying programs

A computer program in execution is normally treated as being different from the data the program operates on. However, in some cases this distinction is blurred when a computer program modifies itself. The modified computer program is subsequently executed as part of the same program. Self-modifying code is possible for programs written in Machine code, Assembler, Lisp, COBOL, PL/1 and Prolog, among others.

[edit] Execution and storage

Typically, computer programs are stored in non-volatile memory until requested either directly or indirectly to be executed by the computer user. Upon such a request, the program is loaded into random access memory, by a computer program called an operating system, where it can be accessed directly by the central processor. The central processor then executes ("runs") the program, instruction by instruction, until termination. A program in execution is called a process.[6] Termination is either by normal self-termination or by error — software or hardware error.


Minggu, 15 Maret 2009

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14 Lowongan Kerja IT Komputer Fresh Graduate - IBM Indonesia (job)

IBM Indonesia - Lowongan Kerja IT Komputer Fresh Graduate

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Should you interest to perform this challenge in Jasa Teknologi Informasi IBM, please send your comprehensive resume via email to:

not later than March 25, 2009.

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Landmark Center Tower I, 30th Floor
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 1 Jakarta 12910

(Please state the position code you apply for as your e-mail subject)

All applications will be treated strictly confidential and only short listed candidates will be contacted for interview.


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IE7Pro add-on for Internet Explorer includes tweaks to make it friendlier, more useful, secure & customizable. (Support: MSDN)

IE Proxy Manager (TrayIcon) is an easy to use proxy Manager for Internet Explorer and all depending applications.

IconEditor creates icons in multiple formats: 16x16 - 16 color, 48x48-24bit color, up to 128x128-32bit color, along with marking the transparent colors (XOR Mask & AND Mask). (Support: MSDN)

Internet Connectivity Evaluation Tool verify routers support new technologies.

ISO Recorder with DVD Support

IPsec Diagnostic Tool assists troubleshooting network related IPsec failures.

Keyboard Layout Creator create or modify keyboard layouts

Language Interface Packs for English versions

Network Monitor protocol analysis allows capturing, viewing & analyzing network (wired & WiFi) traffic. (Support: TechNet, Command Line Wizard)

OpenType Font File Properties Extension adds property tabs to the fonts dialog box (i.e. font name, origination, copyright, & extended character set code pages)

PrivBar toolbar shows current privilege level (Administrators, Power Users, Users, or Guests)

Process Explorer shows information in two sub-windows, about which handles & DLLs processes have opened or loaded. The top window shows currently active processes, including the names of their owning accounts, the information in the bottom window depends on the Process Explorer mode: in handle mode you'll see the handles the process selected in the top window; in DLL mode you'll see the DLLs & memory-mapped files the process has loaded.

Process Monitor shows real-time file system, Registry & process/thread activity. It combines the features of two legacy Sysinternals utilities, Filemon & Regmon, and adds an extensive list of enhancements including rich & non-destructive filtering, comprehensive event properties such session IDs & user names, reliable process information, full thread stacks with integrated symbol support for each operation, simultaneous logging to a file, & more. (Support: TechNet)

PsExec allows executing processes on other systems, complete with full interactivity for console applications, without having to manually install client software. PsExec's most powerful uses include launching interactive command-prompts on remote systems & remote-enabling tools like IpConfig that otherwise do not have the ability to show information about remote systems.

PsService service viewer & controller displays the status, configuration, & dependencies of a service, and allows you to start, stop, pause, resume & restart them. PsService enables logging-on to a remote system using a different account, for cases when the account from which it doesn't have required permissions on the remote system.

Release Notes information on deploying & using Vista, including known issues.

Remote Server Administration Tools 32bit & 64bit support remote management of computers running Windows Server 2008.

SearchMelt, is a Vista Search Folder changed to be generic & able to be shared. "It's like Search + XML + Sharing -- it's a whole bunch of melty goodness!"

SharedView Beta connects up to 15 people & get your point across by showing them your screen. (Support: FAQ)

ShellRunas for heavy Explorer users who launch programs under different accounts (similar to RunAs)

Snip IT emails selected text in Internet Explorer using your default email: Gmail, Hotmail & Outlook & Yahoo Mail.

SpeechSaver system tray utility to turn off Speed Recognition after a few minutes with no activity.

Speech Recognition Macros creates powerful macros triggered by voice command to interact with applications.

Speed Launch gives you lightning quick access to all the documents, files, & websites.

Start++ Windows XP Desktop Search allowed the creation of aliases between words or characters with commands & searches. Example: set up the Deskbar so you could type “g Stuff” to search for the work “Stuff” on Google. Start++ also launches programs, run scripts with parameters.

SteadyState helps manage shared computers in a school, Internet cafe, library, or at home. (Support: FAQ)

System Update Readiness Tool x32 & x64 checks for inconsistencies in the Windows servicing store which may prevent the successful installation of future updates, service packs, & software.

TCPView shows detailed listings of all TCP & UDP endpoints, including the local & remote addresses and state of TCP connections. TCPView also reports the name of the process that owns the endpoint.

Terminals multi-tab terminal services/remote desktop client. It uses Terminal Services ActiveX Client (mstscax.dll) allowing the control of multiple connection simultaneously.

TweakUAC quickly Turns On & Off (UAC) User Account Control (Support: MSDN)

User State Migration Tool migrates user files & settings during deployments of Windows XP & Vista. USMT captures files & settings from the source computer and then migrates them to a new Windows installation.

Workstation Migration Assistant visual wrapper for the User State Migration Tool, designed to simplify the capture / restore process for your end-users. (Support: TechNet)

Virtual Desktop Manager provides a powerful virtual desktop manager with a full screen thumbnail based preview

Virtual PC 2007 create & run one or more virtual machines (different operating systems), on a single computer.

Vispa tweaking for privacy, security, & system performance. (Support: Channel 10)

VistaTweaker has software, performance, usability & other tweaks to improve the overall experience. (Support: Channel 10)

Visual Round Trip Analyzer - Web page performance visualizer and analyzer tool

WinDirStat disk usage statistics viewer & cleanup tool. (Support: MSDN)

WinHlp32 Help program included in Windows XP. (Support: KB917607)

Windows Automated Installation Kit helps IT professionals customize & deploy Windows Vista. Perform unattended installations, capture Windows images with ImageX, & create Windows PE images.

Windows Installer CleanUp Utility removes a program's Windows Installer configuration information when experiencing installation (Setup) problems (i.e. problems when adding / removing a program's component.)

Windows Mobile Device Center enables data synchronization between Windows Mobile Devices & Windows Vista & Vista 64.

Windows Vista Hardware Assessment finds computers on a network, performs a detailed inventory, reports whether a computer(s) can run Windows Vista.

Windows Vista Ultimate Language Packs

Chinese (PRC)
Chinese (Hong Kong SAR)
English (US)
Portugese (Brazil)

Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor identifies if a PC is ready for an upgrade to Windows Vista & which features will be able to run on their PCs

XdN Tweaker (Support: Channel 10)

ZoomIt screen zoom & annotation tool for technical presentations.


Windows Search 4.0 for 32 bit & 64 bit updated search component. (Support: KB940157)

2007 Office System Converter: IFilter Pack installs the following formats: .docx, .docm, .pptx, .pptm, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb, .zip, .one, .vdx, .vsd, .vss, .vst, .vdx, .vsx, & .vtx
Internet Explorer History indexes the history of the web pages browsed using Internet Explorer. (Support KB918998)
Lotus Notes indexes the content of Lotus Notes e-mail, contacts, calendar items, & journal items
Network (UNC/FAT) Protocol Handler indexes shared network directories & FAT drive(s) to easily find specific content. (Support KB918996)
Outlook Saved Mail indexes Outlook's (.MSG) sent itens

Adobe Photoshop Preview Handler for Photoshop (PSD) files

Code Preview Handler for .cs, .vb, .sql, .js files - allows viewing of code files within Explorer & Outlook 2007 (Support: MS Blogger)

InkSeine search for files by circling a handwritten phrase within notes

SearchTogether Internet Explorer Search Collaboration Tool


Image Composite Editor stitches multiple source images into a seamless panorama

ImageResizer PowerToy right-click resizes one or many image files (Support: How to...)

Imagizer simple application to resize a batch of images.

HD View Utilities display & interaction with very large images. (Support: Website)

HD Photo Plug-in for Adobe Photoshop supports a wide range of pixel formats (high dynamic range, wide gamut formats) & numerous advanced HD Photo features. (Support: MSDN)

Paint.Net originated as a project at Washington State University, & still developed by Microsoft alumni.

Photo Info allows photographers to add, change & delete common "metadata" properties. (Support: FAQ)

Pro Photo Tools for editing metadata in photographs including latitude, longitude, & other location details.

RAW Codecs handles RAW image files with the same ease as JPEG or TIFF images.

ArdFry (.DNG)
Adobe DNG
Canon (.CR2, .CRW & .TIF)
Nikon (.NEF Nikon Electronic Format)
Olympus (.ORF)
Pentax (.ORF)
Sony (.ARW .SR2 & SRF)

TweakMC - Tweak Media Center

trueSpace 3D authoring package for online shared spaces, & for Virtual Earth.

WebGuide provides remote access to your Media Center from any computer with a web browser, including a cell phone or mobile device.

WMV9 PowerToy configures advanced properties of the WMV9 encoder & decoder otherwise only accessible through registry settings


Chirpscreen interactive screensaver updates with content from social networks (i.e. Facebook, Flickr) - it floats the information across the screen, & allows clicking on the content taking you to the web page or social networking site. (Support: MSDN)

Dark Aurora (1500 × 1125) Wallpaper from Long Zheng

Digital Blasphemy's Free 3D Wallpapers - "really-cool" 3rd party wallpapers (Support: MSDN)

Dual Monitor Wallpapers - Beautiful images "panoramically" stretch across both screens (Support: MSDN)

Exchange Server Team's 3 wallpapers with new logo

FlipClock Screensaver (Support: MSDN)

Flittrbook, a WPF screensaver mashup of 3 popular social networking sites: Flickr, Twitter, & Facebook. (Support: MSDN)

Halo 3 Wallpaper

How to Customize ScreenSavers via Registry.

Live Services & Mesh Desktop Wallpapers

New Zealand Bliss backgrounds & Wallpaper

(RED) Wallpapers raise awareness for people affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa.

Silverlight Team's “Dusk” DreamScene - Standard & Widescreen

Silverlight Team's Wallpaper - Dawn "Blue" & Dusk "Black" inspired widescreen & 4:3 desktop wallpapers

Virtual Earth Screensaver reads RSS feeds to show interesting Virtual Earth birdseye & satellite images with users' information

Vista Wallpapers by Hamad Darwish

Vista's Winning Wallpapers from Microsoft Singapore

Wallpapers from Microsoft Employees: Michael Swanson & Mikhail Arkhipov's 1920 x 1200 (16:10 "widescreen") & 1600 x 1200 (4:3 "standard"), Peggi Goodwin's Gorgeous Nature Images (various)

Wallpapers & Tool from MSN - 100's of Free Wallpapers & Wallpaper Creation Tool

Xbox 360 "Jump in" Holiday Wallpaper - 800 x 600 & 1024 x 768

Yule Log Visualization for Windows Media Player


Anemone Get Oceanographic!
BlueGrid neat & organized
Cerulean Android skin
Circle Overlapping circular disks
Claw Sink your claws into this
Color Chooser Select different background colors to suit your mood
Crystal Ball Look deeply into this crystal ball . . .
Digital DJ Automatically builds skins based on different playlists
Gadget Cool gadget-style
Goo A splash of organic goo
Modern Blue Soft swirls of blue
MSN Keep up on entertainment news
Ocean Soft Breeze
Pharaoh Go back in time
Polygon Fun Geometry
RAD Techno
Radio Old-fashioned radio
Science Cool Chemistry
Toothy Your "friend" who stays until the party's over
Tube Frame featuring SRS WOW effects


GAMES for Windows Vista from MSN's Game Zone

Go (traditional Chinese board game), Hua Rong Dao Game & Rubik's Cube Game from Microsoft's Xu Wang

Sudoku Game from Microsoft's Carlos Aguilar Mares

Windows Pranks:

April Fool's Day Prank wait until the assigned time & runs one of two (or both!) effects: Desktop Zoom In/Out & Desktop Rotate!
Halloween Prank involving "dripping animated blood down a victim's screen"


Easy Transfer automatically copies files, photos, music, email & settings to your Windows Vista based PC.

Malicious Software Removal Tool (32 & 64 bit) detects & removes infections by malware.

SyncToy helps copy, move, rename, and delete files between folders & computers.

Windows Live OneCare service has been upgraded to support Windows Vista.

Windows NT Backup - Restore Utility restores backups made on Windows XP, & Windows Server 2003.


Fingerprint Reader - DigitalPersona Password Manager 2.0 (Support: How to . . .)

Habu Gaming Mice Drivers & Firmware

Keyboard IntelliType 6.3 for Vista & Vista 64

LifeChat Headset 1.3

Mouse & Trackball IntelliPoint 6.3 for Vista & Vista 64 (Support: How to . . . )

Webcams LifeCam 2.04

XBox 360 Controller & Wireless Gaming Receiver for Vista & Vista 64 (Support: DOC)


DebugView monitor debug output on a local system, or any computer on the network via TCP/IP. It displays both kernel-mode & Win32 debug output, so you don't need a debugger to catch the debug output your applications or device drivers generate, nor do you need to modify applications or drivers to use non-standard debug output APIs.

Debug Diagnostic Tool assists in troubleshooting issues such as hangs, slow performance, memory leaks or fragmentation, & crashes in any Win32 user-mode process.

Debugging Tools for Windows - used to debug drivers, applications, & services on systems running both 32 bit & 64 bit versions of Windows.

Fiddler HTTP & HTTPS Website Debugging PowerTool supports viewing & modifying HTTP & HTTPS traffic. It also can be saved to Visual Studio WebTest files.

Image Colorizer demonstrates how to write an application for colorizing digital photos using the inking support provided by Tablet PC APIs.

LUA Buglight helps developers & IT Pros (sysadmins) identify specific causes of admin-permissions issues (a.k.a. LUA bugs) in desktop applications.

PowerShell & PowerShell 64 command-line shell & scripting language allows managing computers via commands or scripts, improving productivity through system automation. (Support: Website)

Graphical Help File (including cmdlet help & the About topics) in a fully-searchable, graphical format (a standard Windows .chm file). Also included in the help file is the VBScript to Windows PowerShell Conversion Guide & a collection of PowerShell Tips of the Week.

PowerGUI is an extensible graphical administrative console for managing systems based on Windows PowerShell. The tool allows to use the rich capabilities of Windows PowerShell in a familiar & intuitive GUI console. (Support: MSDN)

PowerShell + console embedded in a rich & intuitive user interface. (Support: PowerShell Team)

Product Identification Tool creates a product signature for your installed application.

Robotics Studio is an environment to create robotics applications across a wide variety of hardware.

Introductory Courseware demonstrates common robotics concepts such as reading sensors, controlling actuators, designing simple behaviors, & having a robot interacting with its environment.

SQL Server 2005 Express Edition is a free lightweight, & embeddable version of SQL Server 2005. (Support: Books Online)

Storyboard Designer is used to diagram (model) & generate documentation for a storyboard scenario.

Visual Studio 2005 Express Editions. (Support: SDK)

Visual Studio 2008 Express Editions (Individual Files or ISO Image) includes:

Visual Web Developer 2008 Express
Visual Basic 2008 Express
Visual C# 2008 Express
SQL Server 2005 Compact
SQL Server 2005 Express
MSDN Express Documentation

Windows Media Center SDK - Documentation, tools, & sample code for developing Windows Media Center applications & services.

Media Center Markup Language Preview Tool provides a graphical user interface to craft the command line parameters which can be used with the Media Center Markup Language Preview Tool available with the Windows Media Center SDK.

Windows Movie Maker & Windows DVD Maker Software Developers Kit create & add custom special effects and transitions to Windows Movie Maker; also create custom transitions, buttons, and menu styles to Windows DVD Maker.

Windows Vista SDK includes documentation, samples, and tools designed to help develop applications & libraries using both Win32 & .NET Framework 3.0 technologies


USB Paper Clip Dispenser with Pen Stand

Now this is something that spells out “multi tasking!”. Hong Kong-based Earth Trek introduced the above shown gadget. Available in five colors: Blue, Green, Pink, Orange, and Black.


Lenovo Consumer Desktop IdeaCentre K210

Lenovo’s IdeaCentre K210 uses face recognition for password. It also adjusts the brightness of the screen according to the distance from the screen using BrightVision technology. It includes a Intel Core 2 Quad processor with an option to upgrade to ATI’s Radeon 2600 XT GPU. VeriFace technology uses a webcam for face recognition. Lenovo has included a “chassis open” button that removes the screws to pop open the case easily without any hassle. Lenovo’s IdeaCentre K210 retails at $379.99 with additional peripherals being extra.


PC Gadgets with Seagate HDD 1.5TB

Seagate introduces the 1.5TB HD for notebooks and desktops. The desktop-class hard drive iscalled the Barracuda 7200.11. The specs show that the 3.5-inch drive is made up of four 375GB platters and has a 7,200-rpm rotational speed. It has a 3Gb/second SATA interface, or 1.5Gb/second using Native Command Queuing (NCQ). Apparently the new 1.5TB drive supports a sustained data rate of up to 120MB/second. Many of the existing drives in the 7200.11 series have both 16MB and 32MB cache versions, the 1.5TB will likely only be available with a 32MB cache.


Alienware and XPS Will Remain Active Dell Brands

A press release was issued by Dell in May 13, 2008 stating that it will continue to support both the XPS and Alienware brands. This press release was issued after a report by Wall Street Journal claimed Dell was discontinuing XPS. Dell will continue to support and manufacture XPS computers while placing more funding into developing Alienware as the primary brand for gaming PCs.

Both XPS and Alienware are computer brands that cater mostly to gamers. The Wall Street Journal report stated that Dell will abandon its long standing XPS line of computers. The newspaper also said that this will be done to bring more attention to the Alienware brand.

Dell countered by saying that its XPS line has evolved from being a purely gaming PC. Recent releases from the brand incorporated more features that allow for business use. The XPS One computer is being touted as an all-purpose machine. Its specifications still allow it to handle high-performance computer games. However, the machine has been modified to allow it to handle several other processes. Another product called the XPS M1330 is the leading portable laptop, while the XPS 420 desktop is a machine designed for creating, editing and supporting multimedia.

Alienware develops a line of computers dedicated solely to gaming. The Alienware Company was acquired by Dell in 2006. Both companies have remained independent in terms of PC hardware and system development. Alienware focuses on custom-made computers with unique designs and high-performance engines. Its machines are patronized by gamers who use high-end computers for hours of game play.

Dell has continued to develop both brands independently. Its own XPS line was developed toward other markets while Alienware continues to develop specialty engines for gaming. Alienware machines take a long time to develop and perfect. Their machines also use both Intel and Advanced Micro Device chips. In contrast, Dell uses an efficient development process that allows it to release several new products and has an exclusive deal with Intel.

Dell’s acquisition of Alienware allows the PC gaming manufacturer to gain access to Dell’s massive marketing engine, while Alienware gives Dell a slice of the high-end computer market.

The Wall Street Journal article that led to the press release states that Dell was switching its main gaming brand to increase profits. In the article, it is said that Dell is disappointed when it placed after Hewlett-Packard in terms of revenue. To solve the problem, the article claims that Dell would abandon the XPS line to focus on the more popular and profitable high-end Alienware products.


google hacked?

I just ran a search on Google, and oh, all the results were “harmful!”

For the first time in its recent history, the most popular search engine in the world malfunctioned. In what could be a temporary delight for Microsoft and Yahoo, users Googling for anything were warned about each result, that “this site may harm your computer.” Even results pointing to Google sites were marked as harmful. Clicking on the link explaining why a particular site was harmful would lead to a 502 Server Error page.

At first, it would seem like a malware attack on your own computer. But observing online discussions would reveal the issue.

The problem was there for at least half an hour, starting just after 14:30 GMT (January 31, 2009). The shock of users was palpable by the rate at which queries appeared at Yahoo! Answers – more than 200 appeared in a span of just an hour.

News websites had been speculating over what could have been the cause for this major issue. The speculation ended when Google itself acknowledged that a human error was behind the problem.


How do I Remove Mirar?

Mirar is also referred to as Getmirar. It is a spyware application, which means it can endanger the security and stability of your machine and access the private files or confidential information stored in it. Spyware applications such as Mirar send out advertisements depending on the current URLs of the Internet browser.

Mirar is capable of installing itself as an Internet browser add-on. It drops registry entries in the System Registry in order for the OS to validate its authenticity as an Internet browser add-on. In order to remove Mirar from your computer, follow these easy steps:

1. Go to Start>Settings>Control Panel. Clicking on the Control Panel icon will launch an Explorer window.
2. Double-clicking the Add or Remove Programs icon on the Control Panel window will initialize an applet to appear on the screen. This applet contains a list of programs that are currently installed on your machine.
3. Selecting Mirar from the list and clicking on the Change/Remove button will execute the uninstallation process of Mirar.
4. Follow the succeeding prompts and launch your Internet browser in order to validate the successful removal of Mirar. But some files and registry entries associated with Mirar may have not been properly removed, so it would still be best to install a good anti-malware program and conduct a full system scan.
5. You can download and install the free Mirar Scanner from the SpyHunter website. However, keep in mind that this tool can only detect the presence of Mirar on your machine. Removing the spyware application will require you to purchase the spyware removal tool. This software application was developed by SpyHunter to help users automatically purge their computers of spyware programs and other malicious processes.



Vundo, also known as Vundo Trojan, is a Trojan horse that can be rightly considered as be one of the most erratic and widespread infections to have ever occurred to computer systems. Commonly referred to as Virtumondo, Virtumonde or MS Juan, Vundo causes advertisements of deceitful anti-spyware programs to popup intermittently, thereby severely affecting the performance of the system and denying access to many websites including Google and Yahoo. Till date, no one has yet been able to analyze the effect of Vundo on the web. As per the available records, there are more than 2 million PCs across the world said to have been infected with Vundo and the threat is fast spreading.

Route of Infection - Still many people have not been able to track the way Vundo gets into the system. The most common route employed by the virus is through outdated versions of Java, primarily Sun Java 1.5.0_7. Also, the virus is even distributed through some of the popular websites that attract a large amount of internet traffic. Apart from these, even Windows operating system is increasingly vulnerable to Vundo infection as the virus files have the capability to breach the Windows security firewall. Even victims' systems that download shareware programs from unsafe websites such as those in P2P networks are at an increased risk of getting infected with Vundo. Lastly, even use of illegal software patches and pirated CDs poses an increased risk of Vundo infection.

Symptoms - Whenever Vundo infects the system, it creates random .DLL files that are stored in the Windows registry as well as the system32 directory. As a result, it is difficult to get rid of the virus as these files get attached to Explorer.exe and Winlogon and continue to reside in the memory in a hidden form. The most obvious symptom of a Vundo infection is the appearance of unreasonable popups, which primarily include website advertisements that cite a need of installing an adware program. Also, users might even observe symptoms such as permanently disabled automatic updates, changes in original desktop properties including background and screensaver, impeding operations such as task manager and Windows registry editor, disappearance of desktop icons that will reappear after a short time, and preventing access to websites.

Removal - Once the symptoms related to Vundo are identified, it is important to clear the infection from the system as early as possible. Or else, it can result in an irreparable damage to the computer registry, thereby resulting in complete system failure. Apart from that, Vundo can even help cyber frauds get hold of your sensitive and confidential information such as credit card numbers, bank account numbers, or social security numbers. Although there are certain anti-spyware and Vundo removal tools such as Vundofix, and Spybot available in the market, they may not be very effective. The reason is that the virus is extremely dynamic and changes its definitions quite frequently. Hence, the best way to get rid of Vundo is to prevent its occurrence. Alternatively, one can even try software programs such as Norton anti-spyware software from Symantec, Spyware Doctor, Malwarebytes anti-malware and Viola. However, these are expensive and need a subscription.

Prevention - The best way to prevent a Vundo infection is to use authorized and genuine software marketed by the manufacturers. Usually, these software are equipped with automated updates and advanced security features that provide an easy way to stay protected. Secondly, it is always safe to download programs from the manufacturer's websites as they are secure, reliable and trusted. Also, it is always better to equip the systems with advanced and latest versions of any software. If possible, try internet browsing using secure browsers such as Mozilla Firefox rather than internet explorer. Lastly, include a spyware removal tool that provides a real-time protection against internet threats and updates its virus definitions regularly.


Uninstall Yahoo! Search Companion

f you installed Yahoo! Search Companion on your machine, this Internet browser add-on can allow you to conveniently access your bookmarked sites since it organizes the web pages. The Yahoo! Search Companion can also enhance your Internet browser by enabling it to provide you with a means to be capable of creating custom buttons. Apart from these advantages, the Yahoo! Search Companion can bolster the security features of your Internet browser.

But if you find the Yahoo! Search Companion as a hindrance to the overall performance of your Internet browser, you can uninstall this browser add-on through various means. The following is amongst the easiest ways to uninstall the Yahoo! Search Companion and all its associated components:

1. Initialize Internet Explorer.
2. Access the options provided by the Yahoo! Search Companion toolbar. You can do this by clicking on the Pencil icon and selecting Uninstall from the list of options.
3. Click on Uninstall after the Uninstall page has loaded.
4. Terminate all running Internet Explorer windows.
5. Launch Internet Explorer to confirm the successful uninstallation of the Yahoo! Search Companion.

You can also take the following steps in order to remove the Yahoo! Search Companion from your IE browser:

1. Go to Control Panel. You can do this by going to the Start Menu>Settings>Control Panel. Clicking on the Control Panel icon will launch an Explorer window.
2. Double-click on the Add or Remove Programs icon in order to initialize a dialogue box that contains information on the applications that are currently installed on your machine.
3. Select Yahoo! Toolbar from the list of installed applications.
4. Click on the Change/Remove button.
5. Follow the succeeding prompts.
6. Launch your IE browser so as to validate that the Yahoo! Search
7. Companion has been successfully removed from your machine. :)trust me


Boot Sector Virus

A boot sector virus is a computer virus which infects the boot sector on hard disks, floppy disks, and theoretically also other bootable media such as CD's and DVD's.

A boot sector virus does not need to be able to successfully boot the victims computer to infect it. Because of this, even non-bootable media can spread a boot sector virus.

Once the infected computer successfully boots, the boot sector virus stays in memory and infects floppies and other media when they are written to by the infected computer.

Boot sector viruses have become increasingly less common as floppy disks have become rarer.


Computer Worm

A computer worm is a program which copies itself across a network.

A computer worm differs from a computer virus in that a computer worm can run itself. A virus needs a host program to run, and the virus code runs as part of the host program. A computer worm can spread without a host program, although some modern computer worms also use files to hide inside.
Well known examples of the computer worm

The original computer worm was (perhaps accidentally) unleashed on the Internet by Robert Tappan Morris in 1988. The Internet Worm used sendmail, fingerd, and rsh/rexec to spread itself across the Internet.

The SQL Slammer Worm of 2003 used a vulnerability in Microsoft SQL Server 2000 to spread itself across the Internet. The Blaster Worm, also of 2003, used a vulnerability in Microsoft DCOM RPC to spread itself.

The Melissa worm of 1999, the Sobig worms of 2003 and the Mydoom worm of 2004 all spread through e-mail. These worms shared some features of a trojan horse, in that they spread by enticing a user to open an infected e-mail attachment.


Tips & Tricks For Windows your good

After installing Windows and other applications that are required in the computer, there are several things you should do. Di antaranya adalah melakukan beberapa hal untuk mempercepat serta mempermudah kinerja komputer. Of them is to do some things to speed up and simplify the performance of the computer. Misalnya, mengatur agar komputer bisa restart lebih cepat, atau memunculkan menu tersembunyi, menggunakan shortcut untuk akses lebih cepat dan lain sebagainya. For example, set the computer to restart more quickly, or display the hidden menu, use the shortcut for faster access and so forth.

All the above is a small part of the basic tips and tricks of Windows that we submit the following. Semua tip dan trik di sini kami padukan menjadi 150 langkah mudah dan aman untuk dilakukan. All tips and tricks here we become Pair 150 steps safe and easy to do. 150 tip dan trik, termasuk beberapa panduan langkah demi langkah yang mudah berikut ini, akan menjadikan komputer Anda lebih nyaman bekerja. 150 tips and tricks, including several step-by-step guide that is easy to below, will make your computer work more comfortable. Tentu saja, akhirnya, produktivitas Anda di depan komputer kian berkembang. Of course, ultimately, productivity in front of your computer the more developed.

A computer is just not comfortable enough dibarengi without increasing the security. Hal ini penting, sebab koneksi ke jaringan, Internet maupun ke komputer lain, sedikit banyak pasti berisiko. This is important, because the connection to the network, the Internet or to another computer, a little more definitive risk. Mulai dari penyebaran virus hingga pengambilan data kita oleh orang yang tidak berhak. Start from the spread of the virus until the data by our people that are not eligible. Untuk itu, kami sertakan pula beberapa tip dasar untuk memperbaiki keamanan pada Windows. For that, we also include some basic tips to improve security in Windows.


five step being Programmer

Thursday, 19 February 2009, I requested a complete session on Entrepreneurship in the PHP Developers Day 2009 held in PDII LIPI Jl Gatot Subroto 10, Jakarta. Supaya unik, presentasi saya beri judul Programmer Entrepreneur . So unique, I give a presentation title Programmer Entrepreneur. Inti dari presentasi saya adalah uraian tentang kiat dan langkah menjadi programmer yang berkarakter entrepreneur . The core of my presentation is the description of the steps and tips to become a programmer berkarakter entrepreneur. Wacana ini perlu saya berikan karena saya pikir trend programmer di Indonesia, relatif lebih memilih bekerja di sebuah perusahaan yang established, daripada menempuh jalur wirausaha. This discourse needs to give me because I think the trend programmer in India, is relatively more choose to work in an established company that, through a path of entrepreneurship. Saya berharap para programmer berkarakter kuli, mulai pelan-pelan berubah menjadi programmer yang berjiwa entrepreneur dan memiliki kemampuan bisnis yang memadai. I hope the programmer berkarakter stiff, start slowly changed into a spirited programmer and entrepreneur has sufficient business ability. Materi saya kembangkan dan sesuaikan dengan judul posting ini, yaitu 5 Langkah Menjadi Programmer Entrepreneur. I developed the material and adjust the title of this post, the 5 Steps Being Programmer Entrepreneur. Tertarik? Interested? Klik dan lanjutkan bacanya Click and continue bacanya :)


Programming adalah kemampuan dasar yang wajib dimiliki oleh seorang programmer dan mahasiswa computing. Programming ability is a basic obligation is owned by a programmer and student computing. Dalam IEEE Computing 2005, kemampuan coding dan mengembangkan software menjadi titik sentral, yang disentuh semua jurusan computing, baik itu Computer Science (CS), Software Engineering (SE), Information System (IS), Information Technology (IT) ataupun Computer Engineering (CE). IEEE Computing in 2005, the coding and the ability to develop software to be a central point, which touched all major computing, either Computer Science (CS), Software Engineering (SE), Information Systems (IS), Information Technology (IT) or Computer Engineering (CE ). Mahasiswa computing tanpa bisa coding, bagaikan garam tanpa asinnya Students computing be without coding, is like salt without asinnya :) Perdjoeangan untuk mencapai kebebasan baris kode, membawa arti bahwa kita tidak stress melihat 1000 baris kode suatu program. Perdjoeangan to achieve freedom of lines of code, a sense that we do not see the stress in 1000 lines of code a program. Dan juga, tidak boleh masuk rumah sakit kena tipus, kalau harus melototin 10000 baris kode And also, can not go wrong typhus hospital, if need melototin 10,000 lines of code :) Pertanyaan yang sangat sering datang ke saya dari mahasiswa jurusan computing adalah, bagaimana supaya bisa mahir coding? Questions very often come to me from the way computing is a student, how can that advanced coding? Jawaban saya, kiatnya cuma ada 5, yaitu: latihan, latihan, latihan, latihan dan latihan Answer me, kiatnya only have 5, that is: practice, practice, practice, practice and practice : D

Yakinlah bahwa bangku kuliah tidak cukup. Believe that not enough of course. Dan janganlah pernah mengeluh wahai para mahasiswa, karena tidak hanya di Indonesia, mahasiswa di luar negeripun tetap tidak akan bisa mahir coding, kalau hanya mengandalkan jam mata kuliah pemrograman. And do not ever complain O students, because not only in Indonesia, students outside negeripun still will not be advanced coding, if only on day programming course. Saya juga dulu harus keluar masuk berbagai software house di Jepang dan bahkan sempat 6 tahun part time di perusahaan game Activision, supaya bisa menebarkan dan menyematkan berbagai teori dan konsep pemrograman ke ujung-ujung jari, kulit dan otak saya. I also have to first go out various software house in Japan and even had a 6 year part time in the game company Activision, that can throw and pin various programming concepts and theory to the tip of the finger-tip, skin and brain me.


Lakukan shift-paradigm pada perilaku kita. Make-shift behavior in our paradigm. Tancapkan ke dalam benak kita yang paling dalam, bahwa kegiatan web browsing bukan hanya ajang klik URL asal-asalan, kegiatan selingan, iseng atau aktifitas di kala senggang. Plug in to our mind the most in that the web browsing activities not only event click URL-derived, activity change, or fraudulent activities when unoccupied. Mengakses Internet adalah sebuah investasi. Internet access is an investment. Detik demi detik waktu yang kita pakai untuk nginternet, akan dikonversi dalam bentuk rupiah pada saat kita keluar warnet atau menutup koneksi internet kita. Seconds for the second time we used to nginternet, will be converted in the form of a dollar at the time we leave the cafe or internet connection us. Manfaatkan kegiatan browsing untuk banyak belajar dan meneliti. Take advantage of the many activities for browsing and researching learning. Ketika mengunjungi Alexa.Com , jangan hanya terperangah dengan posisi rangking,, atau, tapi usahakan untuk sambil mengumpulkan data kunjungan Internet Indonesia . When visiting Alexa.Com, not only with the position of ranking terperangah,, or, but while you try to collect data on the Internet visit Indonesia. Rangkumkan datanya dalam bentuk tabel, kategorisasikan, olah dan analisa dengan berbagai teknik statistik. Rangkumkan the data in the form of a table, kategorisasikan, and analyze it with various statistical techniques. Manfaatkan berbagai forum yang betebaran di dunia maya untuk belajar, bagaimana mengembangkan software dan game yang bisa kita jual, ataupun berbisnis di Internet. Take advantage of various forums betebaran in the virtual world to learn, how to develop software and games that we can sell, or doing business on the Internet. Ketika kita menggunakan aplikasi facebook dan friendster, arahkan strum otak kita untuk memikirkan genre aplikasi dan game apa yang saat ini nge-trend di facebook atau friendster. When we use facebook and myspace, navigate Strum brain to think our application and game genre what it is currently nge-trend in facebook or friendster. Pelajari kelebihan dan kelemahannya. Learn the advantages and kelemahannya.


Gunakan berbagai data dan hasil analisa yang kita dapatkan pada saat browsing untuk mulai sedikit demi sedikit membangun kreatifitas maya. Use a variety of data and analysis results that we get when browsing to start little by little build virtual creativity. Ingatlah bahwa produk-produk legendaris tidak langsung menjadi besar, perlu proses yang lama. Remember that the products do not directly become legendary big, it needs to process a long time. Matt Mullenweg sang founder Wordpress , juga mengawali jalan legendanya dengan sesuatu yang sangat dasar, karena ingin belajar PHP. Matt Mullenweg the founder WordPress, but also the way legendanya with something very basic, because you want to learn PHP. Jerry Yang, akhirnya menseriusi bisnis mesin pencarinya, mesekipun diawali dengan aktifitas mengumpulkan link URL. Jerry Yang, menseriusi end business machines pencarinya, mesekipun activity begins with the link to the URL. Demikian juga dengan Blake Ross dengan Mozilla Firefoxnya, Mark Zuckerberg dengan Facebook-nya, Steve Chen dan Chad Hurley dengan Youtube-nya, Pierre Omidyar dengan eBay-nya, dan Tom Anderson dengan MySpace-nya. Likewise with Blake Ross with Mozilla Firefoxnya, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook is, Steve Chen and Chad Hurley of Youtube it, with Pierre Omidyar of eBay, and Tom Anderson of MySpace it. Kemampuan coding akan mempercepat proses implementasi ide, yang kita rumuskan dari hasil analisa dan penelitian kita tentang trend layanan web. Coding capability will accelerate the process of implementation of ideas, which we rumuskan the results of our analysis and research on the web services trend. Saya membangun IlmuKomputer.Com juga sebenarnya tidak asal bangun, tapi mulai dari learning dan researching tentang layanan untuk mahasiswa yang benar-benar bisa menjadi solusi bagi mahasiswa. I build IlmuKomputer.Com origin also did not wake up, but starting from Researching and learning about service to students who truly can be a solution for students. Saya mulai dari survey ke ratusan mailing list dan forum. I started a survey to hundreds of mailing lists and forums. Termasuk mencari data yang valid, siapa sebenarnya pengguna Internet yang populasinya besar saat itu. Including the search for a valid data, the Internet user who is actually a large population at that time.


Kreatifitas maya yang dahsyat dan menggunakan teknologi canggih, tidak ada artinya apabila tidak diperkenalkan ke publik. Virtual tremendous creativity and use of advanced technology, there is no meaning if they are not introduced to the public. Karena itu kita perlu latih kemampuan menulis kita, yang bisa kita mulai dengan menggunakan blog. Para programmer yang notabene adalah seorang spesialis, dituntut kedepannya berkemampuan versatilist , yang bisa menawarkan diri dan menjual kemampuannya dengan baik. Therefore we need to latih ability to write us, that we can start using the blog. Notabene The programmer who is a specialist, charged kedepannya berkemampuan versatilist, which can offer the ability to sell themselves and with the good. Ngeblog alias blogging sekaligus jadi cara yang maknyus untuk personal branding lewat dunia maya. Blog aka blogging as well so that way maknyus for personal branding through the virtual world. Saat ini personal branding lewat blogging adalah jalan yang sangat cepat dan efektif, bahkan melebihi personal branding lewat koran dan media cetak. During this personal branding through blogging is the way which is very fast and effective, even beyond personal branding through the newspaper and print media. Pengguna Internet Indonesia yang mencapai 25 juta, mungkin hanya kalah oleh TV. Indonesia's Internet users reached 25 million, may only be defeated by TV. Dan saya yakin, tidak semua dari kita punya kelebihan uang untuk melakukan aktifitas narsistik lewat 30 detik iklan di TV yang mencapai nilai ratusan juta rupiah. And I believe, not all of us have excess money to perform activities narsistik through the 30-second TV ad in which the value of reaching hundreds of millions of rupiah. Sekali lagi, personal branding lewat blogging adalah jalan yang lebih efektif, efisien, nyata alias tidak ngoyoworo bin aya aya wae :). Once again, the personal branding through blogging is way more effective, efficient, real alias is not bin ngoyoworo Wae aya aya:). Sayapun menempuh jalan ini untuk memperkenalkan diri, IlmuKomputer.Com dan juga bisnis yang saya buat seperti Brainmatics.Com . Sayapun through this avenue to introduce themselves, IlmuKomputer.Com and also create a business that I like Brainmatics.Com.

5. 5. BE AN ENTREPRENEUR! BE AN Entrepreneur!

Ketika kondisi sudah mapan, dan sudah mulai banyak yang menghubungi kita untuk kerjasama mengembangkan berbagai proyek dan kegiatan. When conditions have been established, and many are already starting to contact us for cooperation to develop various projects and activities. Mulai pikirkan untuk masuk jalur entrepreneur formal lewat bisnis dalam bentuk yang lebih nyata. Think about starting to go through formal channels entrepreneur business in a more concrete form. Dirikan PT atau CV, sewa kantor, ajak anak-anak muda yang cerdas nan militan untuk bergabung dengan kita. Dirikan PT or CV, office rent, get the children young intelligent nan militants to join with us. Jangan lupa didik mereka dengan baik dan bijak. Do not forget their students well and wisely. Beri mereka kesempatan untuk mengembangkan diri dan mengembangkan ilmu . Give them the opportunity to develop themselves and develop their knowledge. Beri beasiswa untuk melanjutkan sekolah apabila dirasa memang sang pegawai berprestasi. Give scholarships to continue school if it is indeed the employee achievement. Beri mereka kepercayaan, mulai delegasikan wewenang dan tugas, dan jangan pernah beranggapan bahwa semua harus kita kerjakan sendiri. Give them faith, start delegasikan authority and duties, and never thought that we all must do their own.

Saya juga dibantu para pedjoeang-pedjoeang muda dalam melakukan aktifitas di dunia maya dan bisnis. Menarik kalau kapan-kapan coba mampir ke markas, yang sekaligus sebagai kantor Brainmatics.Com di Menara Bidakara. I also assisted the young pedjoeang-pedjoeang in doing activities in the virtual world and business. Interesting that sometime come around to try headquarters, as well as the office in Menara Bidakara Brainmatics.Com. Ada Mansyur , Training Manager kita yang gesit dan jaim. There Mansyur, Training Manager we are nimble and jaim. Mansyur alias Acun ini sebenarnya baru berumur 20 tahun dan duduk di semester 3 bangku kuliah S1. Acun Mansyur alias is a new age of 20 years and sat in the 3 semesters of college S1. Tapi menakjubkan, karena miliaran omzet perusahaan dihasilkan dari tangan dinginnya. But it's stunning, because the company generated billions omzet dinginnya's hands. Ada mulyana, sang Technical Manager yang cerdas tapi dingin, plus cenderung psikopat. There Mulyana, the Technical Manager of the intelligent but cold, plus tend psikopat. Saat ini baru berumur 19 tahun, bahkan belum lulus SMA dan harus ujian bulan April ini. When this new age of 19 years, has not even graduated high school and have this test in April. Ada lagi Eman, sang Financial Manager kita, pemilik IPK 3.8 yang selalu tampil keren dan harum meskipun sedikit agak jablai ini, juga baru berumur 20 tahun. There is Eman, the Financial Manager of us, the 3.8 GPA that always appear cool and fragrant, although a little bit jablai this, also a new age of 20 years. Adalagi Tanto, yang jadi PJ project eLearning kita di Merpati Airlines, laki-laki setia yang jago makan ini juga belum menikah Adalagi Tanto, PJ so that we in the eLearning project Merpati Airlines, faithful men who eat this cock also not married :)

Sapalah para pedjoeangku ini, dan ajaklah mereka berdiskusi. Sapalah the pedjoeangku this, Engage and their discussions. Aku yakin tidak ada yang bisa mengalahkan laskar pelangiku ini dalam kuantitas dan kualitas kerja. I believe that no one can beat this pelangiku paramilitary troops in the quantity and quality of work. Mereka bangun sebelum orang lain bangun, dan tidur setelah orang lain tidur. They wake up before other people wake up, sleep, and after other people tidur. Dan cintapun tak akan bisa membunuh mereka , paling cuman bikin diem ajah 3 hari 3 malam hihihi. And cintapun will not be able to kill them, most make cuman diem ajah 3 days 3 nights hihihi. Mereka sangat paham bahwa mendapatkan pendidikan adalah sebuah perdjoeangan, dan hidup dari keringat sendiri adalah suatu kebanggaan. They really understand that getting an education is perdjoeangan, sweat and lives of their own is a pride. Para pedjoeangku ini masih terlalu muda dan mungkin miskin ilmu, karena itu ajarilah mereka ilmu pengetahuan. The pedjoeangku is still too young and may be poor science, because it ajarilah their knowledge. Tapi belajarlah dari mereka hakekat perdjoeangan dan mintalah sebuah peta harta harun kepada mereka … yaitu peta jalan cinta para legenda. But learn from them and ask for the truth perdjoeangan a treasure map to Aaron ... that is their love for the road map legend.

Wahai para pemuda, janganlah pernah mau jadi pecundang, berebutlah untuk menjadi legenda. O the youth, do not ever want to be loser, berebutlah to become a legend. Kuingin kau tahu, jalan legenda terbuka lebar, bagi siapa saja yang mau berusaha dan berdjoeang. Kuingin you know, the way legendary wide-open, for anyone who would like to try and berdjoeang. Dan tidak semua orang yang punya kemampuan bisa menjadi legenda, karena menjadi legenda adalah sebuah pilihan , bukan karena kemampuan. And not all those who have the ability to become a legend, a legend as it is a choice, not because of ability.


on Facebook : Use Friends, Groups or Pages?

When absorbed Pertemanan confirm the request, was surprised because there is an error message from Facebook. Ya, batasan Facebook ternyata hanya 5000 orang untuk jumlah teman. Yes, the limits of 5000 Facebook was only for the number of friends. Dan kesalahan saya, itu saya lewati And my mistake, I skip : (


Sepertinya banyak pengguna yang nggak puas dengan batasan angka 5000 ini, kita bisa lihat komplen-nya si Joel Comm , atau diskusi menarik di sini , situ atau yang sedikit konyol di sana It seems that many users do not satisfied with the number 5000 this restriction, we can see its the komplen Joel Comm, or interesting discussion here, there is little or incompetent in there ;) Ok terus, om Romi mau narsis gitu yah, karena punya teman 5000 orang? Ok continue, want om Romi narsis so well, because the 5000 has a friend? hihihi … bukan narsis, ini malah nambahin pekerjaan, karena saya takut melukai hati ribuan orang yang sudah terlanjur add friends ke accountku … beuh, tetap narsis! hihihi ... narsis not, even nambahin this job, because I fear hurt thousands of people who have terlanjur add to friends accountku ... beuh, still narsis! :)

Saya dulu berfikir bahwa Friends alias Teman di layanan social networking bisa jadi sarana ampuh untuk marketin g dan personal branding . I used to think that the Friends of Friends aka social networking services can be powerful tools for marketin g and personal branding. Dengan terdaftar sebagai Teman , maka artinya kita memperbolehkan orang lain mengakses berbagai informasi lengkap dari profile yang kita miliki. Registered with the Friends, it means we allow others to access the various information from the profile that we have. Definisi Teman sendiri adalah seseorang yang kita inginkan ada di jaringan sosial kita, karena keberadaannya bisa menimbulkan berbagai keuntungan bagi kita ,baik langsung atau tidak. Teman bisa berarti teman fisik kita, atau juga saudara kita, orang tua kita, dan bisa juga supplier, teman kerja, teman sms, chatting, email, dsb. Friends own definition is someone who we want in our social network, because existence can cause a variety of benefits for us, either directly or not. Friends may mean our physical friends, or our brother, our parents, and can be suppliers, friend work, friends sms, chat, email, etc.. Kita harus berpikir ulang untuk menjadikan Teman ini sebagai alat personal branding dan marketing kita karena kekuatan massanya dibatasi maksimal hanya 5000 orang (kadang dilebihi satu or dua orang sih oleh Facebook We need to re-think to make this as a means of Friends personal branding and marketing because we massanya limited to a maximum strength of only 5000 people (sometimes dilebihi one or two people do by Facebook ;) ). ).

Cara kedua yang bisa kita pilih adalah dengan Group . Second way that we can select with the Group. Saya juga sebenarnya pernah memberi izin kepada mas Erfan Hasmin yang ingin membuatkan group Romi Satria Wahono Fans Club . Group sebenarnya didesain untuk menjadi sebuah komunitas, yang memiliki kesamaan ketertarikan untuk berdiskusi dan berkolaborasi. Group memungkinkan kita mengirimkan berita dan pesan kepada anggota kita sebanyak mungkin dan sesering mungkin. I also actually have to consent to mas Erfan Hasmin who want to create a group Romi Satria Wahono Fans Club. Group is designed to be a community, which has similarity interest to discuss and collaborate. Group allows us to send news and messages to our members as much as possible and as often as possible. Meskipun ada beberapa laporan bahwa Group yang beranggotakan diatas seribu orang, akan sedikit bermasalah ketika mengirimkan pesan dan berita ke semua membernya. Although there are some reports that the Group of over a thousand people, will be a bit problematic when sending messages and news to all members. Moderator Group juga harus rajin karena spammer akan mengunjungi Group yang jumlah anggotanya banyak. Moderator Group must also be diligent because spammers will visit a number of Group members, many.

Alat personal branding yang ketiga adalah Pages . Pages alias Halaman ini adalah informasi mengenai sesuatu (bisa orang, produk, layanan, dsb). Personal branding tool that is a third Pages. Pages alias this page is information about something (can be people, products, services, etc.). Pengguna bisa menjadi penggemar (fans) dari sebuah Pages . Pages disebar secara viral melalui feed. Users can become fans (fans) from the Pages. Pages are assigned through viral feed. Membuat Page juga sangat mudah karena cukup dengan mengikuti prosedur yang ada di .Dan sebenarnya Pages memiliki lebih banyak kelebihan dibandingkan dengan Group untuk masalah alat personal branding , diantaranya adalah: Create Page is also very easy because it simply by following the procedures in the Pages And actually has more advantages compared with the Group for personal branding tools, which are:

* Tidak ada batasan jumlah penggemar (fans) yang terdaftar di Pages kita There is no limit on the number of fans (fans) that we registered in the Pages
* Layout Pages mudah untuk dimodifikasi sesuai dengan keinginan kita dengan drag and drop Pages layout easy to be modified in accordance with our desire to drag and drop
* Memungkinkan penambahan berbagai aplikasi termasuk format Flash dan HTML pada Pages Allows the addition of various applications including Flash and HTML format on Pages


Skrinsyut Pages Romi Satria Wahono yang saya buat, seperti diatas. Pages Skrinsyut Romi Satria Wahono that I made, as above. Mudah-mudahan ini cukup mengobati rasa kecewa dan patah hati sahabat-sahabatku, yang terlambat masuk ke daftar Teman -ku hihihi ( jadi ganjen gini sih gw… Hopefully this taste treat quite disappointed and broken-hearted friend of friend, the late entry to the list of Friends-ku hihihi (so ganjen gini sih gw ... :) ). ). Rencananya segala aktifitas, foto, video, dan jadwal kegiatan keluyuran ilmiah, akan saya upload di Pages tersebut. All planned activities, photos, video, and schedule keluyuran scientific activities, I will upload in these Pages. Silakan klik di sini kalau tertarik ikutan Please click here if interested follow-up :)


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